Description size price £/unit RRP code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
❊ incognito
◆ Citronella Incense Sticks 1x10p 3.00 V 5.14 890990
Foc display stand for Citronella Incense Sticks 1p 890992
◆ Java Citronella Essential Oil organic 1x10ml 4.45 V 7.60 890995
see the Toiletries & Natural Remedies section for the rest of this anti-insect range
❊ Nutley Hall Beeswax Candles
Birthday Candles 60mm x 8mm 1x12 3.00 V 4.80 891005
Chunky Candles 140mm x 30mm 1xpair 6.75 V 10.84 891007
Normal Candles 160mm x 20mm 1xpair 4.00 V 6.43 891015
Stubby Candles 55mm x 30mm 1xsingle 2.00 V 3.21 891020
Big Candles 250mm x 20mm 1xpair 5.75 V 9.24 891025
❊ Waft - vegan plant based pump air fresheners
On offer are Waft air fresheners, the pricing below represents a discount of 15%.
❒ Waft of Geranium Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891034
❒ Waft of Lavender Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891036
❒ Waft of Lemongrass Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891038
❒ Waft of Orange Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891039
❒ Waft of Peppermint Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891040
❒ Waft of Rose Air Freshener Spray 6x100ml 18.75 V 5.01 891042
■ Packaging & Publications
❊ GM Freeze
"What is GM and what does it matter" Foc Leaflet 1x10p 950585
"Feed: the hidden GM on your plate" Foc Leaflet 1x10p 950586
"GM in your shopping basket" Foc Leaflet 1x10p 950587
❊ Liz Cook Charts - all Charts in cardboard tubes
Essential Oils For Home Use Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950602
Natural Cleaning Solutions Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950606
Natural First Aid Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950607
Nutritional Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950610
Woman's Healing Herb Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950615
Rainbow Food Activity Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950620
Yoga Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950625
Seasonal Fruit & Veg Chart 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950630
Children's Colouring Plate 1x1 3.70 V 5.95 950632
❊ Lunar Organics
2020 calendar in a cardboard tube with explanatory booklet
Single - In Tune with the Moon - lunar gardening calendar 1x1p 6.80 V 10.95 950590
❊ Brown Paper Bags - unlined
The measurements describe bag width x depth x height
Paper Bags - 90x50x190mm 250 14.50 V 0.06 970501
Paper Bags - 130x80x240mm 250 19.35 V 0.08 970503
Paper Bags - 150x65x310mm 250 9.45 V 0.04 970505
Paper Bags - 175x115x345mm 250 13.95 V 0.06 970510
❊ Polyprop Bags
Bags 75x110x195mm (polyprop) 1000 38.40 V 0.04 971010
Bags 76x125x229mm (polyprop) 1000 31.95 V 0.03 971015
Bags 90x152x280mm (polyprop) 1000 34.55 V 0.03 971020
Bags 150x200x305mm (polyprop) 1000 52.95 V 0.05 971023
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❈ new product ❒ on offer Page 145
✫ size or other change
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